As the Heretical Becomes Normative
It is time for us to weep for the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Is God turning away from the PCUSA for its courting of heresy?
Kikanza Nuri Robins is slated to be the author of the new Horizons Bible Study on the gospel of Luke. A self-proclaimed Baha’i writing a Bible study for the women of the Presbyterian Church? A self-proclaimed Taoist writing a Bible study for the women of the Presbyterian Church? Oh how far the Presbyterian Church has fallen!
The PCUSA is at a crossroads in its history. Some churches have already left the denomination. Others are asking the question, “When has the denomination gone too far?” The General Assembly moderator has been meeting far and wide with various groups from the PCUSA. She has acknowledged the hurt and frustration with the national church. Yet, what happens? The Presbyterian Women (PW) are adding gasoline to the Presbyterian fire.
This story either shows the total lack of leadership at the national level of the PCUSA or that our leadership is so blinded by a particular theological desire that they are willing to sacrifice the PCUSA to the god of liberalism. Some may say that there is nothing the PCUSA can do since the PW is a totally separate entity. True, it is my understanding that they are a separate entity; however, that does not tie the hands of the PCUSA. The General Assembly Council (GAC) could begin the process of withdrawing all support and backing of PW. There is no reason why the denomination has to endorse PW and their studies. There is no reason why the denomination has to invite PW to participate in anything having to do with the denomination. The PCUSA could stop advertising EVERYTHING that PW does. If PW is so out of control then they do not deserve to be a part of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)!
What will happen at the national level of the PCUSA concerning PW? Absolutely nothing!! Our national staff will continue to cater to this renegade, unbiblical organization. Local churches (like mine- because I will be informing our session and congregation) will get even more frustrate with the PCUSA. Eventually there be a “straw that breaks the camel’s back” for the PCUSA. Will this be that straw? Or, will this be the straw that so weakens the PCUSA that the next one will cause irreparable damage? Our national leadership is playing a very dangerous game of “Russian Roulette” with the life and future of the denomination. When heresy becomes normative the PUCSA is finished.
PS—How can this woman be an ordained pastor?