Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Biiible – Take it With You

More and more pastors are finding alternative locations for getting their work done. Regular readers of this blog know that I have “an office” away from the office—The Oasis. (There are currently three pastors here at The Oasis.) I have grown accustomed to having the internet available when working on sermons and classes. I carry the TNIV-Message//REMIX in my in my backpack. However, I don’t carry a concordance (too big and heavy). So… what’s a pastor to do?

Biible.com has a feature call the “Biiible Café.” Biiible Café has sixteen English versions of the Bible that can be downloaded in PDF format. (The NIV is 1,751 pages!) There is a search function that allows the user to search the PDF documents just like using the search function on their web site! WAY COOL! There is also a PDF file with the Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical books (292 pages). WAY COOL! But wait… that’s not all. There are downloadable fonts for viewing in Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic. Java makes all of this possible.

So… what are the implications for Biiible Café? I can now store multiple versions of the Bible on my computer (for no cost) and have access to them every time I turn on the computer. Imagine flying across the country and being able to access four different Bible translations while working on your Saturday night/Sunday sermon! WAY COOL! I can now be teaching a class and quickly look up verse, even when I do not remember the chapter and verse. Biiible Café will have no useful implications for the “unwired” in my congregations. I hope that the “wired” (wireless in my household) in our midst will find this to be a very helpful tool.

Check out biiible.com today!


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