Saturday, February 09, 2008

Planning for a Sabbatical.

I blogged on the topic of the small church pastor taking a sabbatical during the last week August. At that time I was unsure if I would take a sabbatical if the church offered one to me. Well… it looks like I am going to eat my words.

By December my internal fuel tank was running on empty. My step mom had a serious health emergency that would eventually end her life. My father has serious complications for diabetes and being 100+ pounds over weight. Dealing with these situations from two states away has taken its toll. The Session and I started to have serious conversations about the possibility of a sabbatical near the end of November. At its December meeting the Session voted for me to have a three month sabbatical in 2009. We are working on a grant to fund the sabbatical.

My grant writing team wants to use a blog to:

  • Keep the congregation informed of the progress in writing the proposal;
  • To provide an easy avenue for the Evergreen Presbyterian Church family to give input to the grant writing team;
  • To give folks around the globe the opportunity to learn from what we are doing and to give their insight on our process and proposal.

The blog for this process is: Journey 2 Sabbatical.

Please try to check out the new blog every week or two to see the latest updates. We look forward to your thoughts and will covet your prayers.


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