Sunday, November 09, 2008

Five "sola" statement final post

A few more dahlia pics before getting to the blog. The dahlias in the order they appear are: Fern Ridge Magi, Fascination, Fairway Pilot, and Devon Blaze.

Five statements that have shaped the church came out of the Reformation. These statements have been referred to as “the five solas.” These five statements sum up the major issues of the Protestant Reformation. The five statements are:
• Sola scriptura
• Sola fide
• Sola gratia
• Solus Christus
• Soli Deo gloria

It is my belief that many (if not all) of the former “mainline” denominations are at the beginning stages of a new reformation. The five “sola” statements are central to those reformations. Today, we will continue our examination of these “sola” statements.

Soli Deo gloia is the Latin phrase for “Glory to God alone.” All of life (for the follower of Christ) is to be lived for God’s glory. It would seem as though this would not be an issue within the Presbyterian Church. Well, think again. The Possibilities Task Force of our Presbytery could not even agree on the nature of God. They can’t even agree on God’s nature!!

The PCUSA needs a Reformation for today! We must return to the five “sola” statements of the first Reformation if we are to have a future together.


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